Lesson 1: Budget Cuts
Anna: Hum. Oh! “Important meeting. Everyone must come.” Well, back to work! And my boss has called a meeting. I wonder what it's about. Maybe we're all getting raises! Ooo, there's Jonathan! Maybe he knows.
Professor Bot: Hi! I'm Professor Bot! This video is all about work. People talk about jobs and things that happen at work. Your assignment is to find as many work words as you can. Don't worry, I'll help.
Anna: So, Jonathan, what do you think today's meeting is about? The email sounded important.
Jonathan: Well, I have heard people in the building talking about budget cuts.
Anna: Oh! Budget cuts? Wait, who has been talking about budget cuts?
Jonathan: Mark in Accounting.
Anna: Mark in Accounting? That's one person. That's not “people.”
Jonathan: I know, but Mark knows everything that goes on at The Studio.
Anna: That is true. But wait, look at us. We shouldn't gossip. That's how rumors start. We'll just go to the meeting and see what happens.
Jonathan: You're right. No more talk about budget cuts.
Amelia: Budget cuts? Oh no!
Amelia: I just heard Anna and Jonathan talking about budget cuts.
Kaveh: That must be what the meeting is about. When there are budget cuts, people lose their jobs.
Amelia: Not you. You're a good reporter.
Kaveh: And it's not you. You've done a great job as a videographer.
Amelia: I can't go back to being a detective. Criminals scare me!
Kaveh: And I can't go back to being a teacher! High school kids scare me!
Anna: Hum.
“Important meeting. Everyone + must come.”
名句。S + V。
Well, back + to work!
副、副 + 副句。
※well=間投詞、I'll be省略。
And my boss + has called + a meeting.
S + V+ 名。
I + wonder + what it's about.
S + V + 名節。
※名節(S + V + 副句(whatを前置))。
Maybe + we + 're + all + getting + raises!
副 + S + v + 副 + v+ 名。
Ooo, there + 's + Jonathan!
副、S + V + 名。
※there isはSV。SVA文型がAVSと倒置され、疑問文に対してYes, there is.と答えるように、主語化して、SVC文型となったと捉えている。ただし、here isは倒置されたAVS文型のままと捉えている。
主語化したのは、疑問文の時に、Is there 名詞?がIs 名詞 there?より唐突感が無く、滑らかに言いやすいのが要因の一つかもしれない。
Maybe + he + knows.
副 + S + V。
Professor Bot: Hi!
I + 'm + Professor Bot!
S + V + 名句。
This video + is + all + about work.
S句 + V + 副 + 副句。
People + talk + about jobs and things + that happen at work.
S+ V + 副句 + 形節。
※形節(S(that) + V + 副句)。thatは副詞句の中の名詞thingsに掛かっている。
Your assignment + is + to find + as many work words + as you can.
S + V + 名句 + 副句 + 副節
※最初のasは前置詞、後ろのasは接続詞。副節(as + S + V(canの後ろの動詞はbeの省略とした))。as〜asSV=慣用句(イディオム)。
Don't worry, I + 'll help.
V、S + V。
Anna: So, Jonathan, what + do + you + think today's meeting + is + about?
副、名、(名) + v + S + v + S句 + V+ 副句。
※whatはabout whatから前置されたもの。do you thinkは挿入された節。助動詞が主語の前にきた場合、Vを小文字のvにしています。
The email + sounded + important.
S + V + 形。
Jonathan: Well, I + have heard + people in the building + talking about budget cuts.
副、S + V + 名句 + 形句。
Anna: Oh! Budget cuts? Wait, who + has been talking + about budget cuts?
副。名句。V、S + V + 副句。
※Oh=間投詞。VSの省略。has been talkingで(三語)動詞。
Jonathan: Mark in Accounting.
Anna: Mark in Accounting?
That + 's + one person.
S + V + 名句。
That+ 's + not + “people.”
S + V + 副 + 名。
Jonathan: I + know, but Mark + knows + everything + that goes on at The Studio.
S + V、S + V + 名 + 形節。
※on=副詞、形節(S + V + 副 + 副句)。
Anna: That + is + true.
S + V + 形。
But wait, look at us.
V、V + 副句。
※look atは既に一語動詞化しているともいえる。
We + shouldn't gossip.
S + V。
That + 's + how rumors start.
S + V + 名節。
※名節(副 + S + V)。
We'll + just + go + to the meeting + and see + what happens.
S + 副 + V + 副句 + V + 名節。
※名節(S + V)。
Jonathan: You + 're + right.
S + V + 形。
No + more + talk + about budget cuts.
副 + 副 + V + 副句。
Amelia: Budget cuts? Oh no!
Amelia: I just heard Anna and Jonathan talking about budget cuts.
Kaveh: That must be what the meeting is about. When there are budget cuts, people lose their jobs.
Amelia: Not you. You're a good reporter.
Kaveh: And it's not you. You've done a great job as a videographer.
Amelia: I can't go back to being a detective. Criminals scare me!
Kaveh: And I can't go back to being a teacher! High school kids scare me!